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Find Recent News Here! This Page is Updated Often; Please Check Back!

October, 2023:

Hagan's article, Dancing for Laughs: Signifyin(g) Bodies and the Black American Sitcom is published in the Cultural Studies Journal. There are 50 free reads of the article before the paywall goes up!

Hagan performs "Mama Piranha" as part of the Crossroads Festival presented by Pioneers Go East Collective at the 14th Street Y on October 30th. For full info, go here.

August, 2023:

Hagan and collaborators Tammy Carrasco, Laura Gutierrez and Amanda Addleman premiere "were we birds?," a commission of the 90th American Dance Festival. Following a creative residency at the Scripps Studios, the work is premiered at The Nasher Museum on August 22nd.

July, 2023:

Hagan performs in the GALLIM Moving Artist Residency showing at the Chelsea Factory July 6th.

Hagan performs as part of the Tap City Festival at Symphony Space July 8th.

Hagan sets a new work titled, SKIDD-ID-A-BOP on the dancers of Rhythmically Speaking in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The piece, along with three other new works by gust choreographers and RS Artistic Director, Erinn Liebhard is premiered at the Southern Theatre August 17th-19th.

June, 2023:

Hagan travels to Easdale, Scotland to take part in the Screendance in the Landscape workshop offered by Katrina and Colin McPherson. Hagan uses the time in residence on the island to workshop approaches for a new video installation called, In/Separate, which explores the ways human bodies and non-human bodies experience climate trauma in similar ways.

Hagan travels to London where she teaches a series of workshops and masterclasses at the London Contemporary Dance School/The Place.

May, 2023:

Hagan takes part in a GALLIM Moving Parent Artist Residency at the Mark Morris Dance Center. She has a work-in-progress showing at MMDC on May 5th. 

April, 2023:

Hagan presents on a roundtable titled, "Screendance Politics: Body Flows and Choreographies, Onscreen and Behind the Scenes" at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies conference in Denver, Colorado.

Hagan is a panel moderator at the 2023 PopCon at New York University.

March, 2023:

Hagan travels to the University of Virginia for one week to give a series of workshops and to produce a short screendance work with students at the interactive Looking Glass museum in Charlottesville.

November, 2022:

Hagan gives a screendance workshop to over 50 students at the Joffrey Ballet School. There are plans to return for a larger project with the students in the spring.

Hagan presents on four panels at the National Women's Studies Association Conference in Minneapolis:

- Black Mothering and Self-Care in the Age of COVID

- Ode to an Unapologetically Free and Sacred Booty

- Environments Elsewhere: Liberatory Creative Play through the Artist Residency Model

- Authors Meet Critics Sessions: Breath Better Spent: Living Black Girlhood by DaMaris B. Hill

October, 2022:

"Magically Ordinary," from Hagan's collection of short art films, "A Minute of Your Time Please," is included in an exhibition called "Claim the Body: Healing and Autonomy" at Visual Art Exchange in Raleigh, NC.

Hagan presents her forthcoming article, "Dancing for Laughs: Signifyin(g) Bodies and the Black American Sitcom" at the Dance Studies Association Conference in Vancouver, BC.

September, 2022:

Hagan is a 2022-2023 artist in residence at the American Tap Dance Foundation, beginning work on a new film project titled, "Cut Me Summa Dat Noise, with plans to go into production in 2023. Find out more about the ATDF here.


May, 2022:


Hagan joins the faculty of The New School as Associate Professor and Program Director for the MFA in Contemporary Theatre Performance. Find more info here.

April, 2022:

"Holocene Dreams," a short dance film created with the students of the University of Akron wins Best Dance Film at the International Mobile Film Festival in San Diego, California. More info here.

February, 2022:

Screendance from Film to Festival: Celebration and Curatorial Practice is published and ready for purchase from McFarland Publishing!


From, "Picnic," 2016, photo by Robert Gelber.

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